Research And Why We Love It

Research in marketing is utilized to discover consumer insights which, in turn, drives business decisions and the strategy that is to follow.  The world is quickly beginning to quantify and track EVERYTHING (and I do mean everything).  This is fantastic news for marketing and advertising.  We can use these metrics to our advantage.  As a matter of fact, we better...

New Grad’s Guide on How to Transition to the Real World

Everyone is going to give you “advice” and “tips” on how to get the perfect job out of college. I’m not going to do that. I’m going to tell you my story about how I had absolutely no plan after college and eventually ended up finding my passion and working in a job I love. No advice, just experience. Graduation...

Crossing the Finish Line

Category: Communications,Jacksonville Ad Agency • August 23, 2013

Being competitive isn't the same as being spiteful or jealous, I encourage the people around me.  A competitive nature simply means that something is driving us to perform and out-perform our previous accomplishments.  There are many studies done on different learning styles and different way of being motivated.  Well, a competitive spirit is definitely a motivator! So if you have...

Copywriting 101

Category: Uncategorized • August 21, 2013

To begin, copywriting is NOT the same as copyrighting. The particular service I’m explaining is where sentences are broken down and reformed to be as effective as possible.  So, what does that mean? I’ll give you an example. If you own a candy store, and you say: 1) “XYZ Candy Store has awesome candy for sale, at low prices!” You...

Why I Worship At The Altar Of Google And You Should Too

Category: Communications,Industry News,Jacksonville Ad Agency • August 20, 2013

Google is the leading mobile operating system with Android OS, which is used by Samsung, (which by itself has a 30%+ smartphone market share) HTC, and many other smartphones.  If that didn't impress you, maybe this will.  Google is obviously the world's largest search engine, but did you know that YouTube is the 2nd largest and is owned by Google?...