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Marketing to Millennials:  Are you sure you want to?

A lot of companies in recent months have emphasized a push in gaining the support of Millennials.

Is this push short-sighted?  There's not a doubt in my mind that what is perceived as trendy, fashionable, or “in” is influenced largely upon the opinions of the younger generation.  That being said, Millennials are one of the smaller demo. groups.  Not only that, but they also have much less buying power than young professionals and established businessmen and women.  Jean Twenge, author of the book Generation Me, credits Millennials with possessing the traits of confidence and tolerance, however, they also exude a certain narcissism and self-entitlement.


Should you market to Millennials?  Yes…but as a part of a broader, more holistic approach…perhaps to paint a picture of a product as being trendy that will ultimately have a trickle-down effect on older, more affluent demos.